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Demand for Ethical Investment

Triodos Bank's research into ethical investment shows a positive trend this Good Money Week  

It is well known that the mainstream banking sector has a history of funding some rather questionable and unethical business sectors. From subsidising environmentally destructive oil companies to even funding the manufacturing of nuclear weapons,  investments in companies with controversial values are not in short supply.

However, Triodos Bank's annual impact investing survey reveals that UK investors (64%) want their money to support sustainable and responsible business.

Despite this growing demand for positive investment, 67% of investors have never been offered ethical or sustainable investment opportunities. Independent Financial Advisor,  John Fleetwood thinks this shows a ‘worrying disconnect’ in the market, with over half of investors not knowing where to turn to learn more about ethical banking alternatives. 

This research has been revealed during Good Money Week (8-14), the national campaign to raise awareness of sustainable, responsible and ethical finance. This survey shows a demand for change, with 78% of investors wanting a fairer and more sustainable society. 

Bevis Watts, Managing Director of Triodos Bank UK, said:

Our survey shows that an overwhelming majority of UK investors increasingly recognise the power of money to be a powerful tool for change.

They know they can exert a positive influence on our wider society by simply channelling their investments into things that benefit not only themselves but also the world around them.

They are looking for investment opportunities that allow them to support pioneering and innovative companies making a positive difference, while receiving good long-term returns.

Ethical Consumer has a whole section of product guides dedicated to ethical finance. Browse our current accountssavings accounts and ethical investing and impact investing guides to find ethical alternatives that are paving the way towards a more sustainable banking sector.  

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