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SodaStream has long faced a boycott call over its “complicity in Israel’s grave violations of Palestinian human rights”, according to the BDS movement.

Sodastream faced a global boycott call due to owning a factory in the illegally occupied West Bank. In 2015 after intense public pressure Sodastream closed this factory and left the West Bank.

However, following this success, the BDS movement clarified that it continued to call for a boycott of Sodastream, claiming that its factory in the Nagaq was complicit in the displacement of indigenous Bedoin-Palestinians. BDS also stated, “SodaStream's mistreatment of and discrimination against Palestinian workers is not forgotten either.”

The BDS National Committee told Ethical Consumer:

“Far from reducing its direct contribution to human rights abuses, SodaStream’s factory in the Rahat area in the Naqab (Negev) amounts to conscious participation in Israel’s plans to ethnically cleanse tens of thousands of Bedouin Palestinian citizens of Israel from their ancestral lands.”

In August 2018 Sodastream became part-owned by PepsiCo. The boycott of Sodastream continues.

View our list of ethical alternative brands to Sodastream.

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Date boycott started