Finding an ethical email provider
Note: we are updating this guide and a completely revised version will be published by mid February 2025.
In this guide we have ranked the big email providers: Google (Gmail), Apollo Management (AOL, Yahoo (inc. AOL and Yahoo) and Microsoft (Outlook), as well as some much smaller alternatives: Tutanota, Runbox, Kolab Now and Posteo.
NOTE JANUARY 2025 - we will be updating this guide in mid February so have removed the score table from the guide.
If you use one of the big providers, it is free of charge, but you are in effect trading your privacy for the service, as your emails can be scanned for advertising purposes by the company (Verizon) or by third-parties in the case of Google or Microsoft. Google tracks and targets you itself in many other ways, but also keeps a record of every email you’ve ever sent or received, even if you deleted them. Read more about internet privacy.
We have selected four alternative options which were set up specifically to offer email privacy. We have chosen these four out of a wider pool of privacy-focused (and many other) alternatives, as they buy their electricity from renewable energy companies (we look at the potential greenwash of renewable energy claims below).
Out of the four alternative options included, Tutanota is the only one to offer a basic free email option, which can be upgraded, while the others have a small charge as standard.
Two privacy-focused providers we have not ranked this time are Aktivix and RiseUp, as these work on an invite/ recommendation basis, specifically for activists working in areas such as No Borders, social centres, or radical tech collectives.
We also include, in this guide, providers that only offer email to their broadband customers: the bigger players BT and TalkTalk, as well as smaller alternatives GreenNet and Your Co-op (previously The Phone Co-op). Apple iCloud is only available if you have an Apple device