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Ethical Beauty

Five ways to establish an ethical beauty routine, guest blog from Sabai Soaps. 

1. No Chemicals, there is little to no evidence that the chemicals commonly used in beauty and cosmetic products have any benefit for our skin or hair.  It is estimated that 5lb of chemicals are absorbed through the skin and scalp every year due to the beauty products we use, these chemicals are often used only to increase profits and can have negative effects on our bodies. Find out more about these toxic ingredients

2. Beware the Gimmicks, the latest marketing gimmick or wonder ingredient can easily become an attraction to buy a certain product but these can often be misleading. We have seen an example of this recently in the US where the sale of Antibacterial products has been banned after the FDA stated:  

We have no scientific evidence that they are any better than plain soap and water. In fact, some data suggests that antibacterial ingredients may do more harm than good over the long term.

3. Go Natural, mother nature has been kind enough to provide us with an almost never ending range of oils butters, creams and vitamins which give us everything we need to keep our bodies fresh and young looking.  Experiment with different recipes and mixtures to find the products that work best for your unique skin type.

4. Do It Yourself, there is a wealth of information out there on how to make your own beauty products. Everything from face masks, bath bombs, shampoo and everything in between. Find a good how to recipe, order the ingredients and get messy for an afternoon

5. Use Ethical producers, there is a growing industry of companies who put their ethics and the quality of their products before their profits. Take the time to find brands who provide products which use only natural ingredients and have an ethical standpoint you can relate to. With the benefit of the internet and fantastic organisations like Ethical Consumer this process can be easy and home delivery is normally just a few clicks away.  

Invest in your skin, it's going to represent you for a long time!

Sabai Soaps is a small ethical skincare company with a passion for doing things differently and ethically. They feature in our ethical guide to soaps which has just been updated. They are a recommended best buy, see which other brands feature

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