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Amazon Free Pledge

Take a break from and sign up to our Amazon Free Pledge.

Join the Amazon Free August Pledge and we'll support you in avoiding using Amazon, one of the world's worst tax avoiders.

Already boycotting Amazon? Your pledge is still valued! Please read on to see how else you can help. 

We estimate that Amazon's tax avoidance could have cost the UK economy around half a billion pounds in 2021.

After our first successful Amazon Free August campaign last year, we're running it again and would love you to get on board. If you didn't manage to take the pledge last year, then maybe this August is the right time for you. If you did pledge, thank you, and please help us spread the word.

Pledge now using the form below.

* indicates required

Already boycotting Amazon? You can still support the campaign

Whether you’ve been boycotting Amazon for a few months, years or have never clicked on the website, your pledge still counts and we value your input as a long term boycotter! 

By joining our group of pledgers you’ll be included in all the latest boycott Amazon news and will be kept up to date with our latest campaigns.

Maybe you’re part of an active Amazon campaign group, a union or local community group  where you can share our latest campaign information.

Let's spread the word together and get everyone involved in this pledge.


Reasons to boycott Amazon

There is a long list of accusations against Amazon, from offering its services to fossil fuel giants to firing workers who try to unionise.

Below are a few reasons to take a break from Amazon:

  • Its flagrant tax avoidance
  • It has a poor record on workers’ rights
  • It threatens small independent businesses
  • It profits from selling services to oil and gas companies
  • It has failed to address its own environmental impacts properly
  • It is repeatedly accused of racism in its technology
  • It creates a hostile environment for unions
  • Its violations of privacy rights 

Take action and have a break from one of the world's worst tax avoiders.

Fill in the form above to register your pledge and receive regular updates about the campaign.


Help and support from us


Different Amazon free pledges mocked up on mobile phone displays

We’ll be there to help you week by week. 

On taking the pledge, you’ll receive a weekly email with new tips, advice, and encouragement to take a relaxing vacation from Amazon. 

Once you've signed up, you’ll also receive a free digital issue of Ethical Consumer magazine: our Amazon alternatives issue. This includes guides to alternative brands to Amazon when you are buying books, buying from online retailers, or using delivery companies.

So pledge now, sit back, and enjoy your stress-free time away from online shopping.

3 tips to help you avoid shopping with Amazon

Benefits of boycotting

  • Take a stand against one of the largest tax avoiders, which annually costs the UK millions in public funds
  • Discover and support alternative ethical brands 
  • Become part of a global movement demanding Amazon pay their taxes
  • Save money by cancelling Amazon subscriptions 
  • Support local small businesses and contribute to thriving local communities 
  • Take a break from Amazon and join the global movement demanding Amazon pay its fair share of corporation tax.
Mock ups of amazon free content in mag and online

Help spread the word

Please share our social media posts where possible - the more people who sign up and pledge the more impact we'll all have!

You can find us on

Many thanks for spreading the word.

Find out how to avoid Amazon when buying books